Welcome back GHA Boaters
It was a bit of a late start to the season with the cool weather and ice in the mouth of the harbour until the May long weekend but boats have been going in and temperatures are gradually creeping up. The 2019 season is off to a great start. You’ll see some new faces around the harbour this summer. Some boaters are joining the harbour community for the first time while others are returning after exploring other locations. Welcome to all the new and returning GHA boaters
You’ll see another new face around the harbour this season. Derek Ramage is a Co-op student from the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at Red River College. He has joined forces with Doug Thordarson to do the many and varied maintenance jobs around the harbour. You will also see them pumping gas and working in the office. Welcome Derek and welcome back Doug – our powerhouse support team.
Message from the Harbour Masters
The Harbour Masters would like to encourage harbour users to come by the office to share their ideas and concerns, and want to hear about issues that impact you as users. We also welcome your thoughts about how to help ensure that the Gimli Harbour is a safe, secure and clean environment. While we must work within the Gimli Harbour Authority’s not-for-profit fiscal restraints and strive to meet our obligations to responsibly manage the federal harbour facility, we are always open to explore possible solutions and work together to achieve improvements.
As many of you are aware, the installation of new finger floats in the inner harbour is scheduled to take place in the fall. As a not-for-profit organization, whose only revenues are derived from the sales of slips, fuel and other user fees, this major capital improvement has been the result of implementing fair and consistent practices in all areas and use of the harbour. We are proud to be able to say that results are starting to show both visually and financially, and we appreciate the assistance and support we have received from harbour users to achieve these goals. Capital improvements must last for many years to come so we continue to look at ways to maintain and lengthen the life span of these improvements.
We are mindful that these new management practices and attention to the facilities may be perceived as unnecessary to some users and we understand that change can be challenging. By bringing your questions, ideas and concerns to the office, we hope we can work together to meet the needs of all our users, whether you are a commercial fisher, recreational boater, temporary visitor, angler or tourist. We will continue to work towards making improvements that will enhance the harbour facilities and make Gimli Harbour the number one tourism destination choice in Manitoba!
Please note that the piers will be closed to vehicles from 12:00 noon on Saturday, June 29 until 4:00pm on Monday, July 1
Friday June 28th & Sat. June 29th - 9:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday June 30th and Mon July 1st - 9:00am to 6:00pm
Monday - 9:00am to 6:00pm
Tuesday & Wednesday - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Thursday - 9:00am to 6:00pm
Friday & Saturday - 9:00am to 7:00pm
Sunday - 9:00am to 6:00pm
Note: Hours may vary depending on weather. If emergency fuel is required after hours call 204 642-2374 for assistance.
2019 Spring Commercial Fishing Season
The commercial fishing season opened on May 25th. Fishers are busy throughout the day unloading boats, loading trucks and heading off to their shops to prepare the fish for processing. Please be reminded that during fishing season there is no parking or driving through the Marginal Wharf area. This area is restricted to fisher traffic only.
Fishing season also means a lot of nets on the lake. Nets are marked with flags at both ends and sometimes have floats located between the flags along the top of the nets.
Unsure about how to navigate around these nets?
When in doubt, head straight for a flag. As you get closer, you’ll be able to see the floats and still have ample time to steer clear of the net.
Other nets are more difficult to figure out because they are set below the surface and may not have floats that indicate which direction the net goes. These nets are often set in a series just below the surface so going over them is not an option. In this case, look for the narrowest space between two flags. This area is called the Safe Passage zone as shown in the diagram below.
Also, nets are affected by wind and water currents, and can drift a significant distance from the flags so please give a distance of about 100 metres when running parallel to nets.
Thank you from our local commercial fishers for protecting nets from damage and the resulting financial losses. Don't forget to get your Pickerel fillets, smoked Goldeye or other favorites from Gimli's local fishers.
The GHA is now offering dry berthage for sailing dinghies, canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards. This service will provide storage opportunities for GHA boat owners, who are looking for an alternative to storing kayaks or paddleboards, for example, on board. Also, members of the community are invited to store their boats on site so they have easy access to the water and boating opportunities. Seasonal dry berthage starts at $60.00. Stop by the office to register for a spot.
The craning service undertaken by the GHA this spring was a learning experience but thanks to the combined experience of the boaters and expertise of the crane operators, it was a successful first try. Boaters were happy with the service provided by Interlake Craning and ML Enterprises. The GHA will be arranging for craning service again in the fall, so come by the office to reserve a spot. Craning dates will be posted in September.
This winter, the GHA will be offering outdoor winter boat storage on the South Parking lot for $9.00 per foot of boat. Your boat and trailer must be insured. If you're interested, leave your contact information in the office.
Important Reminders to Harbour Users:
Boat owners are reminded that it is their responsibility to securely tie their boats for all weather conditions. Make sure spring lines are well secured and that the boat won't rub against the docks, piles, other vessels or other nearby structures. Boat owners will be held responsible for damages caused by their boats to docks and other vessels.
Only emergency and authorized vehicles are allowed on the piers. If boat owners need their vehicles to get items to their boats, they are advised to load and unload quickly. There is no parking on the piers. Boaters are always welcome to borrow the GHA wagon. Gimli Yacht Club members also have use of the GYC carts.
Please advise contractors doing work on your boat in the harbour that they should sign in at the GHA office, and will be given temporary authorization to take their vehicle on the pier.
Anglers visiting Gimli Harbour are not authorized to drive on the piers and should bring a cart or wagon to move belongings to their favorite fishing spot.
Only marine grade shore power cords are to be used on the docks. Extension cords may be used temporarily to do repairs or charge batteries but should be unplugged and removed when the owner is not present.
Household garbage (or should that be 'boathold' garbage) should be disposed of in dumpsters located around the harbour. There is one at the foot of the Main Pier, one in the RM parking lot by the Centre Pier and one on the beach near C Dock. Yacht club members also have the use of the club dumpsters. Thank you for helping to keep the harbour area clean and garbage free.
Have a great summer, everyone!