It is a gorgeous, sunny day in the harbour today.  The ice in the harbour has mostly melted but remains on the lake beyond.  We are pleased to announce that as of May 4, thanks to the Manitoba government’s recent announcement, the Gimli Harbour will be able to open to commercial and recreational boaters, anglers and other visitors, with some restrictions.  These restrictions include the following:

·       All Manitobans are expected to continue practicing social distancing to reduce the spread of Covid-19.  This applies to all areas of the Gimli Harbour including piers, docks, boat ramp, and pathways.

·       Do not come to the harbour if you are feeling unwell.  Stay home.

·       Access to the docks will be limited to boat owners and members of their immediate household only.  Do not invite visitors to the dock or your boat.

·       Do not congregate on docks, piers or in other areas of the harbour.

·       Harbour washrooms remain closed to the public.  Boaters will need to use their onboard facilities and the harbour’s self-serve pump out.  Weather permitting, the water should be on by May 23rd.

·       To protect the health and safety of staff, access to the Office will be restricted to staff only.  Please see our website at for registration forms and other information.  If you need assistance or have inquiries, call 204-642-7517 or 204-642-2374 between 9:00am and 4:00pm Monday to Friday.

We’re hoping things will further improve by June when “Restoring Services, Phase Two is expected to be implemented by the Manitoba government.  Harbour users will be updated regularly and notified of any changes. 

Please keep in mind that the above restrictions are in addition to the regulations outlined by the Manitoba Public Health Act currently in effect.  Violations of the MB regulations can be reported to 1-866 626-4862, 1-204-945-3744 or


 Although the Office remains closed to in-person business, the Harbour Masters are on duty to take payments for slips by phone, Canada Post or the mail slot beside the office door.  The payment deadline for slips has been extended to June 1/20 and the convenience fee normally applied to credit card payments by phone is being waived until June 1/20.  Anyone wishing to pay by credit card over the phone should call the office at

204-642-7517 between 9:30am and 3:30pm, Monday to Friday.  Please do not leave credit card information on the answering machine.



 The new docks will start to be installed in the next few weeks.  If the weather permits, they should all be installed within a few days.  We will notify boaters when the job is completed.  If you haven’t heard from us, please contact the office before launching your boat.  Also, a reminder that your slip fees must be paid before your boat is launched.  Thank you.

We hope everyone is well and excited about getting back on the water.