Summer Newsletter

Summer 2018 is now in full swing, with plenty of hot days, strong winds and low water.  The new ladder at the fuel and pump out dock is working well for getting people off their boats with the low water. So are the new 40 foot fuel hoses installed on the gas and diesel pumps.  Who would have believed a couple of years ago that the water could ever go this low.

Please be advised that the Main Pier and Centre Pier will be closed to vehicles (except for emergency and event vehicles) from 9:00am on Saturday, August 4th until 4:00pm on Monday, August 6th.

Construction on the Pan Am dock is moving along as scheduled.  The demolition and some of the noisiest work is now completed, and reconstruction has begun.  

Thanks to the general contractor, Redi-Form Construction, for taking time the day before the Canada Day long weekend to rearrange the fencing so the path could be open to pedestrian traffic for the weekend. 

Thanks also to everyone for their cooperation in keeping docks clear of personal items, limiting the attachment of items to docks and structures, and removing mats and carpets.  Safe access on docks is our primary concern, followed closely by promoting the longevity of the docks and good overall maintenance of the harbour facilities.

Please be sure to secure your boat in a manner that protects your boat from rubbing on the docks and protects the dock from rubbing by your boat.  Use spring lines to keep your boat a safe distance from principle docks and piles, and to ensure that your bow does not overhang the principle dock.

Also, please ensure your dock box is within the acceptable size allowance (50” long by 26” deep by 29” high).  Oversized dock boxes should be removed. Two boxes had to be retrieved from the harbour recently so identifying your box with a boat name or slip number would assist us in contacting owners, if necessary.  Your help is appreciated.


The GHA is looking into providing some new services to its customers and your feedback is required.  The GHA would like to know if its customers would be interested in having the Harbour offer launching, hauling, exterior boat cleaning, outdoor winter storage and pump out services. Boat trailers would need to be licenced and prices would be competitive.  Please contact the Harbour office at 204-642-7517 or email to get more information. Please let us know if you are interested in any of these services or have any suggestions for other services not mentioned.


Delegates from the Canadian Land Directors Association visit
Gimli Harbour     
Article and photo submitted by Roselle Miko, Lands Branch, Sustainable Development

On Wednesday, June 13, 2018, delegates from the Canadian Land Directors Association (CLDA) stopped at the Gimli Harbour as part of their tour.  The 58th Annual Canadian Land Directors Association (CLDA) was hosted by Sustainable Development and Manitoba Agriculture and hosted delegates from across Canada and New Zealand.

The CLDA is an association that provides a forum to share information and seek solutions to common and cross-jurisdictional Crown land administration and management issues.  The CLDA membership recognizes that Crown land management issues are not unique and the conference provides opportunities to collaborate and discuss key cross cutting issues.

With marine issues being a key component of Crown land management, the conference arranged for a tour of the Gimli Harbour area.  The Gimli Harbour Authority graciously showed the group the challenges and opportunities facing a working harbour and the relationship dynamics needed between federal, provincial and municipal jurisdictions to ensure the ongoing success of the harbour. 

Known as a “prairie province” due to its thriving agricultural sector, it is sometimes forgotten that this “land-locked” province has ocean access through Hudson’s Bay and boasts two of Canada's largest lakes, Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipeg.  Delegates from Canada’s three coasts were impressed to learn that the Gimli Harbour is the largest harbour on Lake Winnipeg and the largest harbour between Ontario and the west coast of mainland British Columbia. 

The group learned about the day-to-day operations of the harbour from the Harbour Masters and were surprised to learn that the Gimli Harbour Authority is a not-for-profit, self-sustaining corporation. Further discussions about balancing the needs of the commercial fishing industry on Lake Winnipeg with access for pleasure craft was a keen area of discussion.  In addition, the group learned about some of the additional uses around the site, including the Viking Village, which gets set up each year on the Harbour Authority’s land as part of Gimli’s Icelandic Festival.

While on site, the group looked at the docks and berths to inform their discussion on berthing rates and fees as well as the ongoing maintenance needs of the harbour.  It was interesting to hear how the management of a harbour differs from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, while sharing some of the same challenges.

Thank you to the Harbour Masters, Cindy and Lori, for a wonderfully informative tour and discussion!

Congratulations to Robert T. Kristjanson on being invested into the Order of Manitoba!

Robert T. was chosen for his dedication to increasing awareness of the growing algae problem on Lake Winnipeg, his 35 years of service as an Auxiliary with the Canadian Coast Guard and his record of service to several volunteer and community organizations. The Order of Manitoba is Manitoba's highest honour and a way to recognize Manitobans who have demonstrated excellence and achievement.

Dr. Karen Scott

Karen Scott has a unique knowledge and perspective of Lake Winnipeg as the coordinator of Science and Education Programs with the Lake Winnipeg Research Consortium.  The LWRC is a registered charity dedicated to facilitating science on Lake Winnipeg. For more information, visit  Here are some of her thoughts on what we hear about the health of Lake Winnipeg:

Many of us have fallen victim to the old saying “Buy the rumour, sell the news”. For Lake Winnipeg, selling the news has translated into the prevailing misconceptions that it is “the most threatened lake in the world”, that it is “dying” and even “a lost cause”.

In the last 15 years, it appears that we have gone from no dialogue about this changing Great Lake to the extreme – sensational and fearmongering headlines that over time have become fact in the public psyche, despite not having any scientific basis. 

Is Lake Winnipeg dying? No. Lake Winnipeg is a shallow, well-mixed lake. This means that when it is windy, oxygen from the atmosphere can be introduced to the bottom of the lake through mixing. A few low oxygen events have been measured in Lake Winnipeg during extended periods of hot, calm weather but they are rare and short-lived – disappearing when the wind picks up. It may make a great headline, but Lake Winnipeg is not dying. If only it were that simple.

The science does reveal that the Lake Winnipeg ecosystem is changing, due largely to human activities. The response of the lake to multiple stressors – excess nutrients, the introduction of numerous exotic species, fishing pressure, intensive shoreline development, and climate change – is complex. It is the aim of research and monitoring programs to better understand this complexity in order to inform management decision-making. This includes understanding the response of the lake to remedial efforts taking place in the watershed - how will a significant reduction in nutrients impact the productivity of the fishery?

Lake Winnipeg is not dying or the most threatened lake in the world, and it is certainly not a lost cause. It is, however, experiencing unprecedented change. Although we cannot go back in time, we can shape the future through a shared collective vision of a healthy Lake Winnipeg: a vision that is realized through a long-term commitment to supporting management regimes that are adaptive and based on whole ecosystem science, as well as through the efforts of a well-informed and engaged public that recognizes and respects the intrinsic value of water as a life-sustaining force.

Have a fantastic Summer from all of us at the GHA!

1 Centre Street POB 2210
Gimli  MB  R0C 1B0
Office: 204-642-7517 | Cell: 204-642-2374