2017 Fall Notice to Commercial Fishers

As the busy summer and fall come to a close, the Gimli Harbour Authority would like to thank the commercial fishers in the Gimli Harbour for their support this past season.  You helped facilitate the Canada Summer Games by moving your skiffs to A dock, provided skiffs for the Games and volunteered your time.  We also appreciate the support you gave the new harbour staff. 

The GHA Board is implementing some changes to the commercial fisher fees and registration process.  One change you’ll notice is that the commercial fisher fee for a skiff is now an annual fee of $100.  So, whether using the harbour for one or both open water seasons, commercial fishers will pay the same rate to use the harbour for commercial fishing.   Please note that the credit for removing boats over the summer is no longer being applied because it was difficult to manage slip use and get owner information.  Although it is not compulsory, fishers are encouraged to remove skiffs for the summer off season. Please assist harbour staff by letting them know when your boat is pulled in July and relaunched in August.  The GHA is able to rent the empty commercial fisher slips in the summer to temporary harbour users.  The temporary user fees paid by summer visitors help to supplement the fees paid by commercial fishers.

The registration form has also changed.  Registering your boat each year with the Harbour office is important for several reasons.  First, it gives office staff important up-to-date contact information so that in an emergency or critical situation, boat owners can be contacted quickly.   Secondly, it helps to identify which slips are in use and which are available for temporary use.  Thirdly, the receipt provides the paperwork needed to claim the expense on income tax returns.  Lastly, all registered commercial fishers working out of the Gimli Harbour are members of the Gimli Harbour Authority and have a vote at the Annual General Meeting. 

You’ll also notice on the registration form a reminder to boat owners that Gimli Harbour is a zero discharge harbour, in compliance with federal and provincial regulations.  This means that no sewage is to be discharged into harbour waters.  Please ensure that toilets are connected to a holding tank or disabled when in the harbour.  The GHA pump out station is free of charge and open 24/7 from May 15th to Oct 15th (weather permitting).

Registration forms and payment are due by May 15, 2018. All boat owners using the Gimli Harbour are required to register and pay slip fees before launching.

Thank you,
Baldi Johannesson
Gimli Harbour Authority